
Torino images

Ciao! Thought you all might want to see a few more pictures. Enjoy!
For some really awesome photos of Torino sites, visit this blog I found of great images: http://torinodailyphoto.blogspot.com/2007_01_01_archive.html

View from our living room balcony over the river Po and Torino Hills. The dome on the left is Gran Madre di Dio and the top of the hill is Monte dei Cappuccini(http://www.comune.torino.it/chiese/cappuccini.htm). Just across the bridge there in the gran Madre area is some great grocery shopping, restaurants and more.

Piazza Vittoria at dusk, before the restaurants open or the bars get going. This pzza is just one block from our apt- great coffee shop (called bar here, and it is that at night!), just near our side of the pzza.

Lila and Claire at their new school in Moncalieri- so far they love it! They are making new friends and learning Italian faster than I am (Julia on the other hand is already speaking in Italian and through the school and a International Womens group well on her way)! The school is only about five miles away, but with the traffic in the AM, it takes a good 30 min to get there.

Bootsie (Jim's Mom) here for a visit. This is in our living room - we love the 15' ceilings and TALL windows! The apartment has worked out great and were feeling very lucky to have scored this spot for the year. Parking on the other hand has been slightly more challenging - after several 35-Euro parking tickets, I think we have started to figure it out. The little Smart cars are perfect for the city as they can park straight in on parallel parking spaces when no one else can possibly fit.

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