
Torino, Rapallo - Mahaney & Flinn

Kevin (Godfather to Lila) and Lila at a local restaurant - "24"

Walking around Torino, there are plenty of interesting art objects in the streets. This week the TFF - Torino Film Festival starts and the City is full of lots of Internationals - been hearing a lot more English out on the streets...

As day in Parco Valentino - the girls entertained themselves for hours on these little push carts.

Ante and Julia - my iphone does not take good photos on dim light, sorry for the poor photo quality.

Stuart Flinn, Julia in the middle of the sandwich, and Ante - in Rapallo (just South of Genova). Ante, Stu and their other crew Mike easily won the Etchells Europeans there last weekend. We drove down to go out with them - and have a few Pops.

Kevin Mahaney came to visit for the weekend, he was only here for three nights, but we managed to check out Torino and also Rapallo down on the Ligurian coast. This shot show Mt Cappucini, lit with blue lights for Christmas in the background.

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