
Kuhns & Mahoneys invade Torino for Turkey day!

We might have been the only crazy peeps doing a bike trip in the Langhe region in November, but boy did we look good in those ski socks and hats.

And thankfully we had Lorenzo telling us where to go.

Sean soaking in some sun during lunch break

Yeh - we tasted some wines at lunch, and rode again...
The ski neck warmers came in handy on our bike trip in the Langhe wine country - a high of 46 for the day...fortunately it was sunny, but very chilly toes and fingers were felt by all.
Celine & Chris, can we change our hot coco to another cappuccino?

Celine and Jen discussing Portland politics
After the Torino soccer match against Milano, the boys were in full-on soccer mode.
Gabriel, whatever you do, DON'T kick the soccer ball into the fountain...
Sean fishing the soccer ball from the fountain...

Sunset at the Superga

The blue lights over Mont de Cappucini - there's a great artistic light show in Torino now through the holidays - this exhibition is but one of the wonderful sights to be found at night currently around the city.

Thomas the tiger

Lucy (and Lilly below, went to school with Claire and Lila one day, to fully experience the "life" our girls are leading here)

The boys, in route to the Extreme Caffe, their favorite, unique, coffee shop.

The Beer bar at Eataly - a huge selection of brews, followed by a wonderful dinner there, GREAT food...and enough to feed an army.

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