
Claudio wins Melges 32 Championships in Lerici!

Our dear friend Claudio and his team on "Uka Uka" captured first prize in the final leg of the Melges 32 Circuit and for the overall circuit win. We drove down to Lerici, a small village on the coast just south of the famous Cinque Terre. Here is the fleet of Melges 32's in the harbor of Lerici...
With a great breeze, and slightly larger waves than most cared for, we took the classic 70' Benbow out for a spin. Below Michele Recchi and youngest son Orlando (who our girls LOVE) enjoy the sailing from the cockpit.

For those older sailors like me, who remember the 1970's - Benbow is a famous Dick Carter design 70 footer built by the prestigious German yard of Aberking & Rasmussen. I believe Claudio's father commissioned the boat in 1970 and she launched in for the 1973 season, where she was winner in many major ocean races of the day. She underwent a major refit in the last year or so, and is in beautiful condition...

Teak decks and all - the coffee grinders still work and yours truly did some grinding.

Lila skippering the largest sailboat she has ever driven - ready about!

The harbor of Lerici from our hotel room...at sunset.

Girls doing cartwheels on the beach

Lila was buried and tranformed into a mermaid - the Recchi boys ensured she had clearly female shapes - nice breasts!

The water was warmer than Maine - but still not bath water.

Last Friday night, Torino was hopping. There was a rowing shell race on the river, festival in the piazza and a fireworks show we watched from our apartment balcony.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Benbow was not built by Aberking&Rasmussen, but by Huismanin Holland. I kow, because I brougt her out from Amsterdam to Portofino in december 1973, Enrico joining us in Lisboa.

Woodrow Rullmann