
Head to the Mountains

With several trips to the Langhe wine area under our belts and a seaside venture to Lerici, this past weekend we headed west to the Alps. In Sauze D'Oulx we found a nice trail, made our way to a nice picnic area and had lunch. This is one of many small ski villages within a short distance from Torino. You can see there is no snow yet on the peaks here, but it's coming soon!
Several wood carved art pillars are found along the paths - which way dude?

On the return, we stopped at a three star site, Sacra di San Michele - a monastery which dates back to the 10th century. It is perched on the top of the prominant Mount Pirchiriano overlooking the Susa valley. For more info on this unique site, check out:

Legend has it that a beautiful woman threw herself from the tower of Alda, but was saved by the angels...
For those of you in the building business, no need to replace the asphalt or even slate shingles - these stone roof shingles look to last the test of time!

1 comment:

Aunt Margaret said...

Oh my! This is thrilling to be able to see and learn what you all are up to! What a fabulous journey ...

Best from the O'Keefes in Maine,
