
Haute Nendaz with Portland friends for a week

Ski Week at Haute Nandez - 4 Vallee ski area with the Kuhns and Hanson/Kubiks.

This is a view over the chalets which make up the small town of Nendaz.

The lunch spots were fabulous - this one in particular had outside seating, good food and a view to die for.

The four vallee ski area is vast and has some of the best slopes in Switzerland.

Here Tucker is about to leap into yet another deep dark chute which is mostly vertical - he was the best at finding these little places which offered spectacular skiing.

Chris Kuhn on the top of Mont Fort - the highest point in the 4 vallees.

The girls at Mont Fort - Celine, Beth and Julia

Claire and Lizzy - at yet another great lunch spot.

The girls and their crazy Austrialian ski instructor, Travis - they did five days with him in the mornings and a vallee tour on Friday. They love to find the bumps and tree runs!

Awards day at the end of the week. Lila won the fastest speed contest!

This sign reminded me of what I looked like when I fell once down a really steep chute - and landed head first - good thing for the helmet and deep powder to soften the landing!

This was one of the fun chutes Tucker found for us... Pictures never seem to make the slope look very steep, but trust me this one was and when it narrowed, it only allowed enough room for a short jump turn back and forth.

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