
Oberlech, Austria - WOW is all I can say!

We took a long weekend and drove to Lech (& Oberlech) Austria for three days of awesome skiing and catching up with Portland friends Peter & Mimi Then and their children. The village of Oberlech, overlooking Lech and Zurs, was absolutely magnificent. The conditions could not have been better as the photos may show - lots of fresh powder (we had to don our chains on the drive up the canyon Thursday night), plenty of un-skiied terrain, fantastic hotels, delicious local food, entertaining company - it all made for a wonderful time... check out the snow below!

The girls are now so good with their skiing, particularly in the powder, that we can take them (or they can take us!) just about anywhere on the mountain. It makes for some really fun family adventures. Here Claire takes a breather after some beautiful "S" turns off piste.

And Lila does the same - Oh, how nice it is to fall into the powder.

Our ski gang - (L to R) Lila, Peter, Eva, Mimi, Claire, Julia, Jim (Max and Lenny stayed back at the pool this day)

The girls enjoying a hot chocolate at their favorite spot.

We skied the famous Weiss Ring which is a circular tour around the valleys connecting Lech, Zug and Zurs in Arlberg.

The sledding trail after skiing was very popular with the kids and adults - the track is fully banked, like a luge run - and the speed at which these sleds go is scary! Fortunately no one got injured, but boy did we come close a few times!

Lila here just ahead and holding off Claire on the sled run.

Eva on the medal platform - in first place - for winning the slalom run handily and beating all of the boys - and below with her gold cup.

Peter and Mimi enjoying their favorite spot for lunch.

Kids table at lunch in the famous Burg Hotel in Oberlech. (L to R) Max, Claire, Eva & Lila

Family Brady adventuring in Lech

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